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Steven Manley
About the Book

We believe that target date funds are a good idea that can and should be more protective of beneficiaries, so we've written a book to educate fiduciaries.

Ron Surz
"An indispensable Reading Experience"



I'm a big fan of eBooks and concerned about my 401K so this is an easy and informative read for me.

Kathy Tarochione

© 2014, Target Date Solutions, A Division of PPCA Inc.

John Lohr
Mark Mensack
Ethical Perspective written by Mark
Mensack, Chief Ethics Officer of Mark D. Mensack, LLC. Prior to his 19 years in financial services, Mark taught philosophy and ethics at the United States Military Academy. Mark writes the 401k Ethicist column for the Journal of Compensation & Benefits.

Most assets in TDFs are there by default, so employers (fiduciaries) are choosing them, not employees. We challenge the status quo that profits fund companies at the expense of plan participants. The biggest problem is that TDFs remain as risky at the target date today as they were in 2008, when they lost 30% -- nothing has changed. It's a repeat catastrophe waiting to happen, this time 5 times more devastating because there's now $1 trillion in TDFs vs $200 billion in 2008.


This train is speeding down a rickety track that needs repair before it is too late. You can help us rescue TDF investors from a looming disaster.

A good idea that could be a great idea!
Legal guidance written by John Lohr, independent ERISA attorney and author. During his 40-year career, John has served as corporate counsel to E.F. Hutton and Lockwood Financial Group and has committed to improving the financial literacy of the investing public and their investment professionals. John’s most recent endeavors include the introduction of “Fiduciary Forensics.”
Statement of facts written by Ronald Surz, President and CEO of Target Date Solutions. During Ron’s 40 years of pension consulting he has advised several $ trillions, primarily on asset allocation and investment policy. He wrote the educational book on investment policy for Certified Investment Management Analysts (CIMAs). Ron is the sub-advisor of the SMART Fund Target Index offered by Hand Benefit and Trust, Houston.
Target Date Funds

A must have for everyone!

Sydney LeBlanc

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